高灵杰老师的课是高一艺术学部有关“两难选择”电影启蒙课。高老师以《唐山大地震》为案例,分析母亲、弟弟、姐姐三人的形象, 让学生体会“两难选择”中人物内心的煎熬。在课堂上,学生们通过老师讲解的三个故事,从小说到电影,初步理解“两难选择”的概念。课堂以小组讨论的形式,让每个学生发挥主动性,进行提炼、总结,在老师的引导中概括了“两难选择”的特征。
The teaching theme of Gao Lingjie’s class is the analysis of the movie’s "dilemma". She took Tangshan Earthquake as an example. The characteristic of the mother, brother, and sister becomes more heartfelt in those "Dilemma Choices". In the process of teaching, the students had a preliminary understanding of the “dilemma” concept through 3 cases. In the form of group discussion, each student took the initiative to refine and summarize the characteristics of "dilemma" under the guidance of the teacher.
Gao Lingjie is looking forward to have visual expression of human literacy by means of film and television media with students. Her educational aim for the students is: Know the world. See the life. Start a magnificent expedition and explore the truth of human inner world and character desire.
谢凌波老师的课是高一年级的化学课---物质的量。她通过水分子的庞大的分子数作为引入,在给出相应的提示下,让学生通过小组讨论, 模仿科学家们的探索过程,让概念在学生的思考中自然生成。最后通过引入的科学史,让学生对所学概念有基本的理解,并能灵活运用它们之间的联系解决生产生活中的实际问题。
Lingbo’s class is about amount of substance for year 10. Using the large value of the amounts of molecules as an introduction, she asked students to discuss in the group to imitate the exploration process of scientist with some hints. And then she showed them the real history, let them understand how this concept was built in the history. The eventual aim for this is that students be able to use what they have learnt today to solve the practical problems in life.
In her class, Lingbo’s expression is clear and the logic is tight. Not only in this demo class, but also in the regular classes, Lingbo is always a guide of learning instead of just conveying the knowledge. Her constant help for students to develop their ability and habits of the independent thinking, making learning occurs in thinking naturally, is cultivating students to be a lifelong learner.
王睿轩老师的课是一节高二男生篮球的传球与跑位的综合练习。他在课上先讲解运动要求并亲自示范,接着让学生开始练习,传球和跑动 需要学生的身体与大脑作出快速反应,在反复练习中,他不断提高难度,对他们提出更高要求与挑战。学生在练习时,他在一旁及时进行表扬与鼓励,特别是对体质较弱的学生,给了他们很大的信心。从学生欢乐的脸上能看出,他平时就与学生关系非常融洽。
Wang Ruixuan’s class is a basketball practice of passing and running position. He firstly explained the sports requirements in class and demonstrated them personally. Then, he let students practice by themselves. Passing and running requires a quick reaction between the student's body and the brain. In repeating practice, he constantly improved the difficulty and put higher requirements and challenges to them. While the students were practicing, he was there to praise and encourage them timely, especially for students with weak foundation. It gave them a lot of confidence. He is in a very good relationship with the students which can be told from the students’ happy faces.
The education motto of Wang Ruixuan is "The mistakes only made the students go further." Physical education is the most fault - tolerant classroom. He encourages students to try actively in practice and allow them to make mistakes, and will help them learn by clear instruction. The students improve the skills and enhance the sports literacy in the trial and error.
Ren Dani's class is practicing tennis in year 10. In the class, students are mainly trained in the basic moving pace of tennis and forehand batting skills. First, she asked the students to do warm-up games, then explained the essentials of tennis batting action. All those are combined with her demonstration so students may learn better. After the students first round of practice, she stopped to correct the mistakes in their actions and practice. Through repeated practice, students' batting skills continue to improve. In this class, all the students are actively involved, and they enjoy the practice.
Ren Danni pays attention to the cultivation of students' good sports character in the regular teaching. She wishes to promote the growth of students' physical and mental health through physical education in school, so that students can obtain the ability to participate in sports activities in the rest of their life.
这几位新入职的教师,学科不同,授课方法不同,但是他们都年轻而热情,相信他们对教学工作的热爱和充满探索的精神一定能深深吸引学生, 带领学生在课堂上识人间万象,热爱他们所学。
The new teachers, with different subjects and different methods of teaching, are young and enthusiastic. We believe that their love of teaching work and the spirit of exploration will certainly attract students and lead them to be curious about everything in the world and love what they learn.
图文编辑 | 生涯与学术中心
责任编辑 | 刘思怡
校对编辑 |勾禹凝
小论文字数国家级论文优秀申论文章社工毕业论文论文构架小儿推拿论文班门弄斧议论文市场营销学论文人际交往论文议论文大全800字行政管理本科论文教育评价论文硕士毕业论文模板有关金融的论文企业存货管理论文梦想的议论文素材关于孔子的论文杜邦分析论文化学与环境论文毕业论文的文献综述自律议论文素材技师论文3000论文收录网站思品小论文作文大全议论文药品论文论文翻译软件哪个好水利水电论文数据分析论文题目管理心理学论文人际关系议论文论文答辩记录模板建筑职称论文科技节论文汽车毕业论文题目物流管理论文题目关于学习论文论文 白色污染论文的目录怎么弄反腐 论文议论文带评语发表论文的期刊关于初心的议论文文化传承论文题目科技论文发表论文投稿信药学概论论文商务谈判论文通信专业论文大学毕业论文选题议论文的材料英语词汇教学论文四年级科技小论文世界议论文管理学的论文论文开题报告查重吗英语论文降重金融学论文选题哪里可以论文查重核心期刊发表论文金匮论文论文史高中英语议论文以人为本论文企业文化的论文论文发表期刊有哪些化学教育论文查重论文免费软件体育毕业论文服饰搭配论文论文轩红色 论文大四论文怎么写论文题库日语专业毕业论文留学论文辅导论文审稿意见模板论文阐述模板明确目标议论文我的理想 议论文时事政治论文意志 议论文论文日志怎么写论文多少钱一篇关于毛概的论文管理沟通的论文学术论文的结构论文写作思路发论文期刊战胜困难议论文大专论文答辩机械工程师论文勤奋的议论文素材论文优点小学数学论文怎么写议论文模式大专毕业论文题目特殊儿童论文经济管理的论文议论文连接词3000字论文范文大学形势与政策论文数学论文500字毕业论文致辞议论文解析针灸论文拼搏议论文素材教师礼仪论文专注 议论文论文获奖证书英语论文开题报告市场营销的论文智慧旅游论文教育小论文光电论文论文一般要多少字数字货币论文发表中学论文议论文素材诚信论文研究对象怎么写数学小论文一年级论文的综述怎么写偶像议论文毕业论文主要内容论文研究领域实践议论文素材毕业论文程序两会的论文议论文论证舍得的议论文学会思考议论文关于经济学的论文旅游资源论文驳论文作文论文申请理由文学欣赏论文理解议论文800字实证研究论文怎么写体育科学论文党课论文数学毕业论文选题怎么查找论文文献导数论文谦让的议论文关于数学的论文论文要写摘要吗初二历史小论文论文研究结论怎么写论文原始数据管理类论文选题论文瘦护师论文论文如何排版思考议论文成人自考论文猪 论文数学三年级论文精细化工论文人类学论文申论议论文怎么写休闲农业论文关于音乐的论文题目关于动漫的论文化学毕业论文网络教学论文护理毕业论文范文议论文的要点脱贫攻坚的论文论文岛研究生论文题目论文发表查重经管类论文自动写论文软件搜论文的网站敢于挑战议论文论文论点是什么毕业论文答辩难吗绘画论文论文列论文题目怎么居中论文逻辑关系语文教学论文题目逸论文议论文 说明文少先队论文化工设备论文副高职称论文议论文修辞手法论文对比分析法反省的议论文毕业论文参考文献怎么写网络直播论文君子的议论文文化创新议论文发现美议论文节能减排论文时事议论文海南职称 论文行政管理学论文论文查重是查什么